Player ranks:
For year 2022 - week 42

Rank Category Description Result Points
#8 Sugardaddy Sugar harvested: 4 3
#8 Ice Breaker Ice broken: 1 3
#12 Lawnmower Grass removed: 6 0
#13 Torchspam Torches placed: 3 0
#14 Woodcutter Wood blocks cut: 31 0
#15 Lemming Times died: 1 0
#18 Let there be light! Light sources added to the world: 4 0
#24 Jesus Distance walked on water: 0km 0
#29 Bunnyhopper Times jumped: 172 0
#29 Punching Bag Damage taken: 44 0
#30 Base Jumper Distance fallen: 0km 0
#31 Warehouse Containers opened: 5 0
#31 Marathon Distance sprinted: 0km 0
#32 Traveler Distance walked: 0km 0
Total points 6