Player ranks:
For year 2024 - week 30

Rank Category Description Result Points
#2 Winnie the Pooh Honey bottles drunk: 4 10
#9 Public Transport Distance gone in a minecart: 1km 2
#20 Cookie Monster Cookies eaten: 1 0
#24 Insomnia Time since last sleep: 2 hours 0
#29 Railway Company Rails placed: 1 0
#33 Carnivore Meat items eaten: 10 0
#34 Poultry Person Eggs thrown: 1 0
#44 Climber Distance climbed: 0km 0
#45 Rider Distance ridden on a horse: 0km 0
#47 Bob The Builder Scaffoldings placed: 1 0
#48 Base Jumper Distance fallen: 1km 0
#51 Vegetarian Veggie items eaten: 14 0
#52 Swimmer Distance swum: 0km 0
#53 Bunnyhopper Times jumped: 4 103 0
#53 Survivor Time since last death: 2 hours 0
#57 Jesus Distance walked on water: 0km 0
#57 Marathon Distance sprinted: 4km 0
#58 Traveler Distance walked: 8km 0
#59 Sneaky Distance crouched: 0km 0
#59 Punching Bag Damage taken: 853 0
#62 Diver Distance dived: 0km 0
#63 Warehouse Containers opened: 94 0
#64 Participation Prize Total time active: 2 hours 0
#65 Dropper Items dropped: 9 0
Total points 12