Player ranks:
For year 2024 - week 28

Rank Category Description Result Points
#9 Big Bad Wolf Sheep killed: 6 2
#12 Pork Chopper Pigs killed: 4 0
#14 Chicken Griller Chickens killed: 5 0
#22 Black Gold Coal Ore mined: 164 0
#22 Blacksmith Swords crafted: 1 0
#26 Cow Tipper Cows killed: 3 0
#29 Wastrel Tools broken: 3 0
#42 Lemming Times died: 1 0
#50 Sailor Distance gone by boat: 1km 0
#50 Carnivore Meat items eaten: 6 0
#57 Zombie Grinder Zombies/Husks/Drowned killed: 3 0
#61 Workshop Tools crafted: 3 0
#61 Insomnia Time since last sleep: 9 minutes 0
#62 Torchspam Torches placed: 27 0
#65 Forester Trees planted: 1 0
#67 Woodcutter Wood blocks cut: 47 0
#67 Dirtbag Dirt blocks placed: 20 0
#68 Berserk! Damage dealt: 2 285 0
#70 Killing Spree! Total mobs killed: 21 0
#72 Jesus Distance walked on water: 0km 0
#73 Diver Distance dived: 0km 0
#73 Lawnmower Grass removed: 12 0
#75 Swimmer Distance swum: 0km 0
#76 Punching Bag Damage taken: 636 0
#77 Dropper Items dropped: 14 0
#77 Let there be light! Light sources added to the world: 27 0
#79 Survivor Time since last death: 9 minutes 0
#81 Excavator Dirt, sand etc. mined: 42 0
#82 Marathon Distance sprinted: 1km 0
#83 Vegetarian Veggie items eaten: 1 0
#83 Climber Distance climbed: 0km 0
#86 Traveler Distance walked: 1km 0
#87 Bunnyhopper Times jumped: 722 0
#88 Stonemason Stone mined: 243 0
#89 Base Jumper Distance fallen: 0km 0
#90 Iron Heart Iron Ore mined: 4 0
#90 Participation Prize Total time active: 1 hour 0
#92 Sneaky Distance crouched: 7.1m 0
#93 Warehouse Containers opened: 7 0
Total points 2