Player ranks:
For year 2024 - week 43

Rank Category Description Result Points
#1 Super Mario Turtles killed: 4 12
#1 Cleanser Illagers killed: 5 12
#1 Ranch Animals bred: 94 12
#1 Brewer Brewing Stand interactions: 3 403 12
#1 Kitty Killer Ocelots and Cats killed: 5 12
#1 Berserk! Damage dealt: 1 924 188 12
#1 Base Jumper Distance fallen: 4km 12
#1 Food Poisoning Dangerous food items eaten: 36 12
#1 Smith Anvil interactions: 127 12
#1 Archeologist Ancient Debris mined: 65 12
#1 Nether Gang War Zombified Piglins killed: 79 543 12
#1 Warehouse Containers opened: 12 812 6
#1 Compressor Mineral blocks crafted: 10 382 6
#1 Punching Bag Damage taken: 90 120 5
#1 Musician Note block interactions: 27 843 4
#2 God... Damnit! Cobweb removed: 5 10
#2 Sharpshooter Bolts fired: 92 10
#2 Public Transport Distance gone in a minecart: 1km 10
#2 Chicken Griller Chickens killed: 5 10
#2 Fish Gourmet Fish eaten: 10 10
#2 BRB Total time AFK: 12 hours 10
#2 Lunar Rocks Netherrack/End stone mined: 2 626 5
#3 Bunnyhopper Times jumped: 9 694 8
#3 Cutter Shear uses: 186 8
#3 Workshop Tools crafted: 9 8
#3 Aviator Distance gone by elytra: 202km 8
#3 Cow Tipper Cows killed: 1 8
#3 Killing Spree! Total mobs killed: 79 647 8
#3 Blacksmith Swords crafted: 1 8
#3 Beegone! Bees killed: 2 8
#3 Happy New Year! Fireworks started: 819 8
#3 Climber Distance climbed: 0km 8
#3 Marathon Distance sprinted: 25km 8
#3 I Fix It Grindstone interactions: 1 8
#3 Die, Pig! Piglins killed: 4 8
#3 Participation Prize Total time active: 1 day 2 hours 8
#3 Dropper Items dropped: 513 4
#4 Vegetarian Veggie items eaten: 190 7
#4 Alchemist Potions used: 11 7
#4 Quartz Nether Quartz Ore mined: 16 7
#4 Lemming Times died: 3 7
#5 Trader Villager trades: 2 193 6
#5 Pyromaniac Fires started: 8 6
#5 Gold Rush Gold Ore mined: 8 6
#6 Phantom Shooter Phantoms killed: 4 5
#6 Rider Distance ridden on a horse: 0km 5
#6 Clothier Wool/carpets crafted/dyed: 8 5
#6 Traveler Distance walked: 34km 5
#6 Armorer Pieces of armor crafted: 4 5
#7 Jesus Distance walked on water: 0km 4
#7 Fun Guy Mushrooms collected: 1 4
#8 Katniss Arrows shot: 14 3
#8 Dirtbag Dirt blocks placed: 331 3
#9 Sneaky Distance crouched: 2km 2
#9 Diver Distance dived: 0km 2
#10 Arachnophobia Spiders killed: 2 1
#10 Bone Collector Skeletons/Strays killed: 3 1
#11 Creeper Creep Creepers killed: 1 0
#11 Electrician Redstone items placed: 32 0
#11 Hop In! Hoppers Placed: 1 0
#12 Excavator Dirt, sand etc. mined: 373 0
#13 Lawnmower Grass removed: 77 0
#14 Zombie Grinder Zombies/Husks/Drowned killed: 3 0
#14 Sleepyhead Times slept: 4 0
#14 Stonemason Stone mined: 495 0
#16 Let there be light! Light sources added to the world: 62 0
#16 Swimmer Distance swum: 0km 0
#17 Up The Apples Stairs built: 6 0
#20 Woodcutter Wood blocks cut: 1 0
#22 Insomnia Time since last sleep: 1 minute 0
Total points 425