The big structure update

This update took me a considerable longer time than expected, but it's finally here! Let's see what has changed with this latest update:

earth emoji An expanded world border

Probably the thing you were looking forward to the most: The world border has expanded to 5000 blocks in the overworld & 3000 blocks in the nether.

mine_spawner emoji Custom structure update

This is where I spent most of my time, as the custom structure generation had some serious issues. Here's what has been fixed:

broken_elytra emoji Custom structure pieces will no longer break on chunk borders

This wasn't a big problem for the smaller structures, but the custom dungeon had this issue a lot, causing pieces to abruptly end at a chunk border, and the rest of the dungeon to not generate at all.

gold_ingot emoji Custom structure pieces have worth now

Each piece of a structure can now have a worth defined. Tunnels are worth 0 points, treasure rooms are worth 50, ... These points are used to increase the likelihood of each branch receiving some kind of prize room.

crossed_swords emoji Custom structure pieces will no longer intersect as much

Even though structures would perform a check to make sure it wouldn't intersect with another piece of the complex, a few bugs made it do so anyway. It has now been changed so that pieces can intersect at most 2 blocks. Pieces that have a certain worth (like treasure rooms) can also intersect at most 2 pieces without any worth (like a tunnel)

place_wall emoji The dungeon entrance has a longer neck

The custom dungeon entrance (the well) wasn't very deep, causing the dungeon to generate pretty close to the surface and peeking out above it. It has now been changed so that the system will generate a random amount of "neck" pieces under the well, causing it to be much deeper.

The well schema piece generated in the overworld Trust me, it's deep.

mine_spawner emoji Custom spawns have been implemented

A feature that remained unfinished for long is now here! Custom spawns can now not only be set per complex (The dungeon in its whole) but also per piece/schema. So Cyro's deep end will now actually contain fish & guardians, as intended.

A screenshot inside Cyro's Deep Dark room, with a guardian lurking It's dark, but they're there!

place_lantern emoji Custom spawn light levels

Each complex/schema can define its own light level limit at which to spawn monsters. This has been enabled for The Dungeon, since it contained a lot of mood lighting and would otherwise create tunnels devoid of life.

place_sign emoji Custom structure announcements

Things new players say:
"I think I found someone's base?"

This is something new players often say when discovering a custom structure. So now when you actually enter a structure you haven't seen before, you'll get a message on screen saying what you entered.

ride_boat emoji Deborn's nether ship

This ship is actually what kickstarted the custom structure system, since you couldn't tell vanilla minecraft to place a structure only in lava, for example. And that is what this custom piece needed.

A few seasons ago, we did implement it using the vanilla system, and this caused it to mostly generate inside netherrack or on the roof. Now it'll actually generate on lava oceans.

Deborn's Nether Ship See? It's actually on the lava

place_chorus_flower emoji The tree of teleportation

A bit late, since we're opening the end in a few days, but from now on it'll actually only generate in the nether.

Anii's Tree of Teleportation generated in the nether In the nether, where it belongs

The /here command

The "Custom structure announcement" notification only shows up once though, so if you're not sure where you are, you can perform the /here command and it'll give some information on your whereabouts.

This will also tell you what the custom spawn light level is at, if any.

An example of the "/here" command

emerald emoji Custom loot tables

The way custom loot is generated has completely changed. In previous seasons, we had to create a bunch of pre-filled containers (shulker boxes, cardboard boxes) that would then generate in the world. Once generated, that was it.

Now we have a new custom loot system that works a lot like the Vanilla system, but which gives us a lot more freedom. Like Vanilla loot chests, the loot is only generated once the container is opened.

So if we see something starting to flood the market, we can easily take it out of rotation.

coin_gold emoji New coins!

Coin items have been added!

You can craft the following types with their respective nuggets:

  • coin_copper emoji Copper
  • coin_gold emoji Gold
  • coin_iron emoji Iron
  • coin_netherite emoji Netherite
  • coin_rose_gold emoji Rose Gold
  • coin_rust emoji Rust

Coins can not be crafted back to nuggets.

There is also a special crystal coin coin_crystal emoji, which we will use for the server shop, like we used to do with "rainbow gems" back in the day of when Blackblock was using the Paper Minecraft server.

Creative world command permissions

The mod we used to make vanilla commands adhere to the Luckperms permission system was never updated to 1.21 From now on, vanilla command permissions are handled by our own mods, so this is working again, and you're able to teleport, give, ...

Don't forget ...
There's also the /blackblock creative command on the creative server, which shows you all our custom items & blocks in a custom GUI, since we can't add them to the Vanilla creative inventory without client-side mods
The custom creative GUI

Muffler blocks

Muffler blocks make all the blocks that touch it silent. So blocks like pistons or dispensers will stop making noise when activated.

These have always worked ... until the next server restart. Then the world forgot that they're there.

This has now been fixed, and all muffler blocks already in the world should start working again

A piston in operation without making a sound You can't hear a thing

Rotten flesh blocks

This had the same problem as the muffler blocks, since they use the same underlying system. These blocks make zombie entities angry towards the nearest player of the block.

Zombified piglins are attacking Skerit Even zombified piglings get angry without provocation

Marker blocks & Guild charters

We're currently working on a Server Shop build in the Shopping District, once it's there we can finally start selling these!


If you would like to use Axiom on the creative server, you'll need to join the Axiom Discord server and go through their whitelist process for using it on non-commercial multiplayer servers. Our creative server address is Unfortunately, you must do this every 30 days.

The Wiki

The wiki has been updated!

Learn all about muzzles to shut your mobs up, youthful ambrosia to keep your babies as babies, popsicles to keep cool, and more!